Owners play an important role in the success of a center. You may say, well of course, that’s obvious! However, this statement is not as plain a cliché as it sounds. For example, how does your owner define “success?” “Success” for different owners may mean different things.
Are you a good Assistant Teacher? The answer will, of course, depend on who you ask. The major stakeholders here, who decide whether an Assistant Teacher is “good” or not, are the Director, parents, owner, children, and your Lead Teacher.
Are you a good Director? The answer will, of course, depend on who you ask. The major stakeholders here, who decide whether a Director is “good” or not, are the teachers, parents, owners, and children.
Are you a good Lead Teacher? The answer will, of course, depend on who you ask. The major stakeholders here, who decide whether a Lead Teacher is “good” or not, are the Director, parents, owner, children, and your fellow teachers.