Calculating the cost of employee turnover can be simple or complicated – it depends on how much detail the organization wants to go into. In general, a middle-of-the-road approach works best for most small businesses. Clearly, the cost of replacing a CEO is not the same as that of replacing an assembly …
It is true that many factors creating turnover are not controlled by the organization or the Director. Such factors include macroeconomic conditions, labor market fluctuations, etc. However, on the positive side, there are many factors that the organization can indeed control.
If you are a Director or an Owner, you have probably been asked the question – “What is your turnover rate?” And you have probably answered with a number – 10% (yeah, right!), 20%, 30%, 40% or even higher. However, the answer to that question should not be a number. It should be “well, it depends.” Turnover is not as simple a concept …